Altair Inspire

Altair Inspire. Create, Modify, Simulate, Optimise.
Leverage solidThinking's robust solution set for Model-Based Development, Concept Design and Manufacturing Simulation
Inspire - Accelerate Simulation-Driven Design
Accelerate the creation and modification of solid models, use PolyNURBS to create free-form smooth geometry, and study multiple assembly configurations.
Inspire Studio - All in one Industrial Design Solution
Create, evaluate and visualise designs faster than ever before with unrivaled flexibility and precision. Produce stunning product presentations in real-time with the built-in, high-quality, physically-based global illumination renderer.
Inspire Render - 3D Rendering and Animation Powerhouse
Quickly create, modify, and drag & drop a variety of materials and add lighting environments to generate images and animations in real-time with the built-in high-quality, physically-based global illumination rendering engine.