formZ Pro

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formZ pro is ready to assist you with all of your 3D modelling needs. Animation, layout, and a customisable interface are all here. If you can imagine a form, you can build it with formZ pro.

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£969.60 £808.00

formZ Pro

Express and communicate your imagination with advanced 3D solid and surface modelling tools.

AutoDesSys formZ Official UK Reseller

formZ Pro is a powerful, yet easy to use 3D design application with a variety of tools and personalities. Maintain accurate representations in your designs as you progress from design to visualisation, layout, animation, and fabrication.

Available for both Windows and Mac, make use of booleans, NURBS, and subdivision surfaces. Import and export SKP, DWG, DXF, OBJ, STEP, STL, KMZ, DAW, SAT and more!

What's New in formZ Pro

Object Symmetry creates a plane of symmetry for an object. Subsequent operations to the object maintain symmetry by updating the opposte sides of the model to match. The symmetry functionality has special consideration for NURBs curves, NURB surfaces and Sub-D objects.

Symmetry in Formz Pro

Reference Files
Reference Files are simply data from one project displayed inside another project. Reference files allow for complex static data to be maintained in external files and supports coloboration where files can be shaered between team members as a design evolves.

Reference Files in Forms Pro

Python is a easy to use yet rich scripting language. Python scripts in form•Z are an easy way to extend the functionality of form•Z to add your own utilities or create a custom design design tools. Most of the form•Z functionality is avaiable to a form•Z Python script.

Scripting in Python for automation or custom design

Creative Design Tools
A suite of creative design tools to enhance form generation. Create new and interesting forms especially when combined with each other.These tools suite includes: Voronoi diagram, Point Scatter, Surface Scatter, Volume Scatter, Parametric Map, Wrap tool and Delaunay Triangulation.

A range of tools within Formz Pro

A comprehensive suite of NURBS tools combines unprecedented ease of use and power. The NURBS analysis features aid in the evaluation and refinement of your design.

Designs using NURBS in FormZ Pro

Parametric Generation
Fully parametric and dynamic generation of 3D forms that can be further manipulated at any time after their initial generation.

Parametric designs within FormsZ pro


  • Interactive display
  • Formula tools
  • Subdivision tools
  • Rounding and blending
  • Animation
  • Layout for 2D
  • 3D printing
  • Components
  • Materials
  • Dynamic interface
  • Reshaping
  • Dynamic clipping planes
  • Sun studies

formZ Pro

Express and communicate your imagination with advanced 3D solid and surface modelling tools.

AutoDesSys formZ Official UK Reseller

formZ Pro is a powerful, yet easy to use 3D design application with a variety of tools and personalities. Maintain accurate representations in your designs as you progress from design to visualisation, layout, animation, and fabrication.

Available for both Windows and Mac, make use of booleans, NURBS, and subdivision surfaces. Import and export SKP, DWG, DXF, OBJ, STEP, STL, KMZ, DAW, SAT and more!

What's New in formZ Pro

Mesh Tools
Mesh Base can create a solid base for a facetted surface, Mesh Extrude will do similar but follow the curviture of the mesh rather than form a base, Simplyfy Mesh can reduce the number of faces while maintaining the key features of the model

Symmetry in Formz Pro

Improved Point Cloud Support
Large color point clouds are now supported. This includes new import formats, improvements in the quailty and performance of point cloud display and a new Terrain From Points tool.

Reference Files in Forms Pro

Python is a easy to use yet rich scripting language. Python scripts in form•Z are an easy way to extend the functionality of form•Z to add your own utilities or create a custom design design tools. Most of the form•Z functionality is avaiable to a form•Z Python script.

Scripting in Python for automation or custom design

The Assistant is an easy way to find anything in form•Z — even if you’re not sure what it’s called. The assistant is accessed by opening the Favorites Palette (spacebar by default) and then typing a key to start a search. The assistant can find tools, menu commands, layers, materials, views and more.

A range of tools within Formz Pro

New Tools
Tools like Pipe for cables and piping, Structural Shapes like bars and beams as well as Catenary to simulate chains or wires/cables.

Designs using NURBS in FormZ Pro

New Tools
Boundry Slice is a tool similar to booleans or a trim mode as it works on virtually all object types and lastly a Paint tool, Paint Objects is an artist-friendly tool for creating convincingly natural distributions of entourage.Use this tool to paint trees, plants and stones in an landscape, pedestrians and vehicles in an urban environment, chocolates in an advertisement— any scene requiring a natural-looking, organic distribution.

Parametric designs within FormsZ pro


  • Interactive display
  • Formula tools
  • Subdivision tools
  • Rounding and blending
  • Animation
  • Layout for 2D
  • 3D printing
  • Components
  • Materials
  • Dynamic interface
  • Reshaping
  • Dynamic clipping planes
  • Sun studies
More Information
Brand AutoDesSys
Delivery Type Digital Delivery By Email
Processing Time 1 Working Day
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V10 System Requirements


Minimum: 8 GB
* Note that complex models or large texture maps may require additional memory, 16GB recommended.


Mac OS 10.15 or later

*Mac OS 12 or later recommended

In V10 Mac Silicon is recommended but intel based Macs should still work


  • 64 bit editions of Windows 11, 10.


A video card that supports OpenGL version 3.2 or later is required. For best results, a video card with a minimum benchmark score of ~1500 is recommended, and for larger files, ~3500 or better is preferred. See this link for details: Video Card Benchmarks

Internet Connection:

Required for product activation, software updates and access to online manuals and tutorial videos.