Orca 3D for Rhino (Design)

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Orca 3D Design

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£504.00 £420.00

Buy Orca3D Design

Includes the Hull Design & Fairing, and Basic Hydrostatics & Stability features. This is equivalent to the previous Level 1

Highlights of Orca3D Version 3

    Unlimited number of conditions (Fixed Load Cases) may be saved for Basic Hydrostatics (replacing the single Design condition).

    Floodable Length calculation.

    Multiple sets of Section definitions, to be used for hull design and fairing, hydrostatics, or lines drawings and offset tables.

    Grasshopper components for Hull Assistants, Basic Hydrostatics & Stability, Planing Hull Resistance, and Displacement Hull Resistance.

    Weight Reports may now be grouped by Material.

    Stock Material Library now has Export and Merge functions, and the user may specify the location of the Library xml file.

    Added flexibility in selection of surface(s) for Planing and Displacement Resistance prediction, as well as the Load Case to be used.

    Addition of van Oortmerssen resistance method.

    Improved analysis reporting throughout.
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Brand DRS
Delivery Type Digital Delivery By Email
Processing Time 1 Working Day
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Orca3D version 3

  • Rhino 7 or 8
  • Windows 10 or 11
    Other Windows OS and Mac running Intel chips with Boot Camp have not been tested and are not offically supported but could still work, however this is not recommended
  • 64-bit Intel or AMD processor (Not ARM)
  • At least 8 GB (RAM) memory
  • 600 MB disk space
  • OpenGL 4.1 capable video card 
  • At least 4 GB Video card memory